As I am too lazy to translate all these informations in the universal language of the "mondialisation" (yankees go home !), and as very few people in fact understand this marvelous language of the past (french), I will try to give you some clues. Assuming the fact that you can understand the general meaning of the tables, here are the keys :


revêtus = asphalted, paved

dont ... km piste = of which ... km unpaved road

Column 1

nom du lieu = name of the place (and indication of a crossroad and the direction to follow)

X = crossroads

g, gauche = turn left

dr, droite = turn right

tout dr, tout droit = straight ahead

rd pt, rond-point = roundabout

Column 2

elevation in meters (miles and feet being medieval measures for feudal countries)

Column 3

r, route = number of km of asphalted road from the precedent place

Column 4

p, piste = number of km of unpaved road from the precedent place

Column 5

> = number of paved + unpaved km cumulated from the beginning of the table

Column 6

< = same, but from the end of the table towards the beginning (smart, no ?) - this column is not on every table

Column 7

observations = informations about the place and the crossroads

village, petit / grand village, bourg = village, small / big village, little town

hameau, maisons = hamlet, houses

ville = town, city

eb = basic foodstore

épic., épicerie = foodstore (mainly basic : biscuits, beer...)

comm., commerces = stores of different kind (clothes, repair,...)

rest., restau = restaurant

col = mountain pass

pont = bridge

point haut / point bas = high point, low point (on the road)

Column 8

borne, bk = kilometer marker along the road


To situate points (camping, water...), either I use the indication "BK", which refers to the km marker along the road, or "KM", which refers to the number or km from the beginning of the route

After all this, you should correctly speak the Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Emile Zola language. I am very happy to have participated to the "rayonnement de la langue française" all around the world (rayonnnement, rayon = spoke, langue française = bicycle, ach Franzozen toujours la bicyclette !), have a nice lecture (and incidentally a nice trip).

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